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ICDIM 2012

Conference Program (download pdf here)

Seventh International Conference on Digital Information Management
(ICDIM 2012)
August 22-24, 2012
University of Macau, Macau


Program at a glance
Day 1: August 22, 2012
08:30-09:30  Registration, University of Macau Library
09:30-10.00  Official Opening Ceremony
10.00-10.30  Coffee Break
10:30-11:30, Keynote: Evidence-based Technology: Case Studies and Interactions, by Dr. Patrick C. K. Hung, Canada
11:30-12:50, Parallel Sessions
12:50-14:00, Lunch
14:00-16:00, Parallel Sessions
16:00-16:20, Coffee Break
16:20-18:40, Parallel Sessions

Day 2: August 23, 2012
09:30-10:30, Keynote: Security and Privacy of e-Health: Facts and Challenges, by Sabah Mohammed, Canada
10:30-11:00, Coffee Break
11:00-12:50, Parallel Sessions
12:50-14:00, Lunch
14:00-16:00, Parallel Sessions
16:00-16:20, Coffee Break
16:30-18:40, Parallel Sessions

Conference Banquet Dinner: August 23, 2012 at Westin Resorts, Macau
19:00 Coach from University of Macau to Westin Resorts.
Banquet Dinner & Award Ceremony: 19:30-21:30 – Westin Resorts

Day 3: August 24, 2012
Social Event: 09:30 Macau Sightseeing Tour.

Conference Program – Day 1 -  August 22, 2012

08:00-09:00 -  RegistrationUniversity of Macau

09:00-09:30 - Opening Ceremony

09:30-10:00 Coffee Break


Keynote: Patrick Young

11:30 - 12:50  Parallel Sessions

S1: Data Mining 1
11:30-11:50 – Toward a New Classification Model for Analysing Financial Datasets
-Nhien-An Le-Khac, N-A. LeKhac and M-Tahar Kechadi, Ireland
11:50-12:10 Enhancing the Performance of Decision Tree: A Research Study of Dealing with Unbalanced Data         
-Amera Almas,  M.A.H. Farquad,   N.S. Ranganath Avala and  Jabeen Sultana, Saudi Arabia, India
12:10-12:30 A Layered Approach to Link Analysis and Visualization of Event Data      
-Yain Whar Si,  Se-Hang Cheong,  Simon Fong, Robert P. Biuk-Aghai, Tat-Man Cheong,  Macau
12:30-12:50 Data Mining for Japanese Collocation
-Takumi Sonoda and Takao MIURA, Japan

11:30-11:50 – Integrating Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms
to K-means Clustering Rui Tang, Simon Fong, Xin-She Yang, Suash Deb, Macau, India
11:50-12:10 Creating Missing Classes Automatically to Improve Question Classification in Question Answering Systems
-Maheen Bakhtyar, Asanee Kawtrakul, Junaid Baber and Sher Muhammad Doudpota, Thailand
12:10-12:30 Printed Lanna Character Recognition by Using Conway's Game of Life     
-Krisda          Khankasikam, Thailand
12:30-12:50 Networking, clustering and brokering keywords in the computer science research        
-Jihyoun Park,  Tom Z. J. Fu, Dah Ming Chiu, Hong Kong
12:50-13:10 On A Chain of Transformations for Generating Alloy from NL Constraints

Imran Bajwa, Behzad Bordbar, Kyriakos Anastasakis, Mark Lee, Pakistan, UK

S3: Data Mining II
14:00-14:20 – Efficient and Contextual Ranking with Incomplete Preferences: An Equivalence Triangular Condensation Approach      
-Xiang Li and Ling Feng, China
14:20-14:40 On formalizing of Inconsistency and Semi-consistency in Spatio-Temporal Access Control
-Emsaieb Geepalla, UK
14:40-15:-00 An Approach for Defining Rules as Functions in Rule-Based Software Development
-Piyanuch Tosanguan, and Taratip Suwannasart, Thailand
15:00-15:20 A Novel Clustering Algorithm using Voronoi Diagram         
-Damodar Edla and  Prasanta K. Jana, India
15.20-15.40 A novel clustering algorithm for Unsupervised Relation Extraction  
-Jing Wang, Yang Jing, Yue Teng and Qing Ling, China
15.40-16.00- Sentiment Analysis in a Hybrid Hierarchical Classification Process 
-Wei Wei and Jon Atle Gulla, Norway

S4: Information Processing and Retrieval
14:00-14:20 – Ranking Documents with Query and Topic Sensitivity     
Shota HATAKENAKA, Takao MIURA, Japan
14:20-14:40 Time Series Classification Method Based on Longest Common Subsequence and Textual Approximation         
Abdulla Maruf, Hung-Hsuan Huang and Kyoji Kawagoe, Japan
14:40-15:-00 The Snippet System - Reusing and Connecting Documents
- Laurent Kirsch, Jean Botev and Steffen Rothkugel, Luxembourg
15:00-15:20 Introducing faceted views in diversity of online novels
-Eisuke Ito, Sachio Hirokawa and Kazunori Shimizu, Japan
15.20-15.40 Context-aware group top-k query    
Xiang  Li and Ling Feng, China
15.40-16.00- Wolf Search Algorithm with Ephemeral Memory
Rui Tang, Simon Fong, Xin-She Yang, Suash Deb
16:20-16:40 A First Approach to the Evaluation of Arabic Diacritization Systems

Alia O. Bahanshal and Hend Al-Khalifa, Saudi Arabia

16.00-16.20 Coffee Break

S5: Data Mining III
16:20-16:40 – Evaluating Recommender Systems
-Wen Wu, Liang He and Jing Yang, China
16:40-17:00 WebCap: Inferring the user's Interests Based on a Real-Time Implicit Feedback 
-Nesrine Zemirli, Saudi Arabia
17:00-17:-20 An Efficient Alert Dissemination Protocol In A Vehicular Ad Hoc Network
-Doukha Zouina, Zouina Doukha, Samira Moussaoui and Noureddine Haouari, Algeria
17:20-17:40 An Automatic Generation Approach of B Specifications From UML Diagrams
-Seidali Rehab, Elhillali Kerkouche and Allaoua Chaoui, Algeria
17.40-18.00 Anomaly Detection In Structured/Unstructured Crowd Scenes      
-Maryam Mousaarab Najafabadi and Mohammad Rahmati, Iran
18.00-18.20- The impact of spatial correlation on performance of SFBC and VBLAST schemes on MIMO-OFDM-LTE
-Fateme Shahmohammadi and Naaser Neda, Iran

S6: Data Analytics Workshop

16:20-16:40 – Open Innovation - Adoption Process and Current Status in German SMEs
-Matthias Birkle, Heiko Gewald, Germany
16:40-17:00 - Graph Mining: A Survey of Graph Mining
Saif Ur Rehman, Asmat Ullah Khan, Simon Fong
17:00-17:20 Retina recognition For Biometrics,
Ryszard Choras, Poland
Ryszard S. Choras
17:20-17:-40 A Layered Approach to Link Analysis and Visualization of Event Data
Yain Whar Si, Se-Hang Cheong, Simon Fong, Robert P. Biuk-Aghai, and Tat-Man Cheong, Macau
17:40-18:00  Fault-Tolerant and Secure Networked Storage      

-Mo-Che Chan, Jehn-Ruey Jiang and Shing-Tsaan Huang, Taiwan

Conference Program – Day 2 -  August 23, 2012


09:30-10:30 – Keynote II Sabah Mohammed

10.30-11:00 Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:50  Parallel Sessions

S7: Multimedia I
11:30-11:50 – Wish Shop:Designing for a Transmedia Production Model
-Heejun Lim and Chungkon Shi, Korea
11:50-12:10 Associating and Recalling News Events with Visual Suggestions     
-Hsiang Wang and Wei-Guang Teng, Taiwan
12:10-12:30 Multi-Device E-Book: Designing For New Reading Experience
-Se Beom Oh and Chungkon Shi, Korea
Muithu: Smaller Footprint, Potentially Larger Imprint       
-Dag Johansen, Magnus Stenhaug and Roger B. A. Hansen, Norway
12:30-12:50 An Improved Clonal Selection Algorithm for Articulated Human Motion Tracking       
-Yi Li and Zhengxing Sun, China


S8: Information Security

11:30-11:50 – An architecture for Web application session switching in virtual organizations
Mikaell Ates, Jerome Schneider and Benjamin Dauvergne, France
11:50-12:10 Achieving Privacy and Security in Multi-Owner Data Outsourcing 
-Somchart Fugkeaw, Singapore
12:10-12:30 Mapping of Vulnerabilities in the Public Cloud with the use of Foundational Ontology: A Perspective for Service IaaS 
Rita de Ca¡ssia de Castro, Hedwio Carvalho e -Silvab, Anilton Sales Graciac and Marcos José Negreiros Gomes Brazil

S9: Information Security II
14:00-14:20 – X-STROWL: A Generalized Extension of XACML for Context-aware Spatio-Temporal RBAC Model with OWL       
-Que Nguyet and Tran Thi Tran Khanh Dang, Vietnam
14:20-14:40 Specifying Security Requirements of Context Aware System Using UML
-Saad Almutairi, Giampaolo Bella and Ala Abu-Samaha,  UK, Jordan
14:40-15:-00 Vulnerability Management in Cloud Computing: A Scenario of Public Cloud
-Rita de Ca¡ssia de Castro, Hedwio Carvalho e Silvab, Anilton Sales Graciac and Marcos José Negreiros Gomes, Brazil

S 11: E-Technologies

15:00-15:20 E-Government Evaluation: The use of design science approach to build and evaluate customer satisfaction theoretical framework 
-Meng Seng Wong, Malaysia
15.20-15. Towards an Effective Integrated E-Learning System: Implementation, Quality Assurance and Competency Models
-Salah Al-Sharhan, Ahmed Al-Hunaiyyan, Kuwait
15.40-16.00- Understanding of ERP systems in Chinese SOEs: A Case Study
- Si Chen, Guo Chao, Alex Peng, Miguel Nunes, Reza Mojtahed and  Lihong Zhou, UK, China

S10: Multimedia II
14:00-14:20 – A Content Based Image Retrieval Using K-means Algorithm
Abduljawad Amory,  Abduljawad A. Amory, Rachid Sammouda, Hassan Mathkour, Rami Mohammad Jomaa, Saudi Arabia
14:20-14:40 Automatic Actors Detection in Musicals       
-Sher Muhammad Doudpota and Sumanta Guha, Thailand

S 12:  Social Networks

15:00-15:20 An Investigation of Non-use and Abandonment of Microblogging   
-Yanru Guo, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Kavita Ilangovan, Shengnan Jiao and Xiaotian Yang, Singapore
15.20-15.40 Mining  Twitterspace for Information: Classifying Sentiments Programmatically using Java
-Jinan  Fiaidhi, Osama Mohammed*, Sabah Mohammed,   Simon Fong, Tai hoon Kim 
Canada, Macau
15.40-16.00- Relatedness Need and Users' Satisfaction with Social Network Sites: A Self-Determinant Perspective
Xuequn Wang and Yibai Li, China

16.00-16.20 Coffee Break

S12:  Social Networks (contd)
16:20-16:40 Opinion Mining over Twitterspace: Classifying Tweets Programmatically using the R Approach  
- Jinan Fiaidhi, Osama Mohammed, Sabah Mohammed,  Simon Fong and Tai hoon Kim
Canada, Macau
16:40-17:00 Relatedness Need and Users' Satisfaction with Social Network Sites: A Self-Determinant Perspective
Xuequn Wang and Yibai Li, China

S13: Semantic Web

17:00-17:-20 A Hybrid Approach To Constraint Reasoning in Bio-ontologies      
-Ming Fang and Rajshekhar Sunderraman, USA
17:20-17:40 A Semantic Web Service Composition Dynamic Detecting Method 
-Zhou Jie, Ren Jiangchun, Wang Zhiying, Cheng Yong, Mei Songzhu and Wu Jiangjiang, China
17.40-18.00 Design Considerations for the Localization of Arabic E-Commerce Websites
-Aram Al-Sedrani, Hend Al-Khalifa, Saudi Arabia
18.00-18.20- Learning to Rank in XML Information Retrieval: Which Feature Improve the Best?
-Messaoud Chaa, Omar Nouali and  Kamal Bal, Algeria
18.20-18.40 On the Evaluation of Lingustic Ontological Models: An Application on the SemQ Ontology
-Hend S. Al-Khalifa and Maha M. Al-Yahya, Alia Bahanshal and Iman Al-Odah
Saudi Arabia

S14: Mobile Data Management

16:20-16:40 – Perceptions of Mobile Human Computation Games: A Study of Engagement and Information Quality
-Dion Goh, Khasfariyati Razikin, Alton Y. K. Chua, Singapore
16:40-17:00 Introduction of Eviction Strategies for Caching Scalable Media Files 
-Heiko Sparenberg, Matthias Martin and Siegfried Foessel, Germany
17:00-17:-20 Haiti Earthquake Photo Tagging: Lessons on Crowdsourcing In-Depth Image Classifications
-Zhi Zhai, Tracy Kijewski-Correa, David Hachen and Greg Madey, USA
17.20-17.40 GPS Correction with the Sky-Subimage Recognition 
-Yu-Kumg Chen and Tsun-Ghsien Tsai, Taiwan
17.40-18.00 Changes That Modularization Makes in Antenna Design 
-Atsushi Maeda, Keiichi Ohizumi, Japan
18.00-18.20 A Study on Distribution Methods of Mobile Applications in China
-Shang Gao, Zhe Zang and Sundar Gopalakrishnan, China, Norway
18.20-18.40 A federated architecture for digital information management
-Saba Sarasvady, India
18.40-19.00 A Proposed Model of Knowledge Management in the Software Industry Sector 
-Hui Chen, Gillian Ragsdell, Ann O’Brien, Miguel Baptista Nunes, UK