ICDIM 2012

Best Reviewer Award

From 2011, the ICDIM has instituted an award for the best reviewer. ICDIM believe that the reviewers contribute to build science as a scholarly system. ICDIM recognize the significant role of reviewers in scientific evaluation process. Many papers are structured based mainly on the directions of reviewers. To encourage the objectivity of review system, the ICDIM has selected the following reviewers as the best reviewers.

The criteria used to select the best reviewers are the following-

-depth of the review
-criticality in reviewing
-identifying errors, methodological fault and plagiarism
-suggestion for improvements

The 'top best' reviewers in ICDIM 2012 are

1. Annalisa Appice
Dipartimento di Informatica
University of Bari

2.Malay Bhattacharyya
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

The ICDIM remain grateful to all the reviewers.


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