ICDIM 2012

Best Papers Award

ICDIM 2012 notified the following best papers.

(1) Best Paper Award, Researcher, Theoretical Contribution
(2) Best Paper Award, Researcher, Technical Contribution
(3) Best Student Award, PhD
(4) Best Student Award, Master, Theoretical Contribution
(5) Best Student Award, Master, Technical Contribution


(1) Best Paper Award, Researcher, Theoretical Contribution
Yain-Whar Si, “Trend Following with Float-encoding Genetic Algorithm”
Reason for winning: high review results from reviewers

(2) Best Paper Award, Researcher, Technical Contribution
Heiko Sparenberg, "Introduction of Eviction Strategies for Caching Scalable Media Files"
Reason for winning - high review results from reviewers

(3) Best Student Award, PhD
Abdulla Maruf, "Time Series Classification Method Based on Longest Common Subsequence and Textual Approximation"
Reason for winning - high review results from reviewers

(4) Best Student Award, Master, Theoretical Contribution
Tang Rui, 2 papers:
"Wolf Search Algorithm with Ephemeral Memory"
"Integrating Nature-inspired Optimization Algorithms to K-means Clustering"
Reason for winning: contributed significant results in optimization and datamining in 2 papers; as a master student, demonstrated strong analytical abilities in creating a new Wolf Algorithm which is shown to be better than classical GA, PSO, Ants, under the co-supervision of professors from Cambridge University

(5) Best Student Award, Master, Technical Contribution
Osama Mohammed, 2 papers:
“Mining Twitterspace for Information: Classifying Sentiments Programmatically using Java”
“Opinion Mining over Twitterspace: Classifying Tweets Programmatically using the R Approach”
Reason for winning: contributed significant results in mining tweeter data; as a master student, demonstrated strong programming capabilities in solving problems in two different programming languages (JAVA and R)


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