The 4th International Workshop on Context Modeling and Management for Smart Environments (CMMSE’2010)
in Conjunction with
5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management-
Lakehead University – Thunder Bay - Ontario – Canada – July 5-8, 2010
Workshop website:
We invite you to submit a paper to CMMSE'2010 which will be held in Thunder BayAnn, Ontario, Canada on July 5-8, 2010.
CMMSE'2010 is an International Workshop covering a wide range of topics in Context Modeling and Management for Smart Environments. CMMSE'2010 in conjunction with ICDIM'2010 provides an excellent opportunity for researchers to exchange leading-edge research in the dynamic field of ubiquitous computing, and context-aware computing in particular. Topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:
· Context modeling approaches in smart environments;
· Context management approaches in smart environments;
· Context reasoning in smart environments;
· Hybrid context models;
· Context discovery in smart environments;
· Context reuse in smart environments;
· Advanced issues in context modeling (imperfections, ambiguity and incompleteness)
· Context information query;
· Distribution of context information;
· Scalability, integration and reuse of context models;
· Interoperability of context modeling approaches;
· Security and privacy of context information
· Experiences using context models and reasoning to build smart environments.
· Ontology-based approaches to context modeling and reasoning
· Evaluation of context models
· Context Modeling Languages and middleware
· Semantics and expressiveness of context models
· Domain specific context models (context-awareness in e-learning, e-commerce, etc)
· Uncertainty modeling and management of context information
The proceedings of the Workshop will be published by IEEE Computer Society and indexed by IEEE Xplore. Extended version of selected papers will be considered for publication in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Emerging Technologies In Web Intelligence JETWI . The Workshop chair is a guest editor for this special Issue on “Context-Aware Services for Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems”.
We invite contributions that advance the state-of-the-art in topics related to the workshop themes. Researchers are invited to submit papers with a page limit of 6 pages. All submissions should use the standard IEEE double-column format. Authors should e-mail their submissions to
Important Dates:
Paper submission: March 15, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2010
Camera-ready papers due: May 31, 2010
For more details on how to submit a paper and the workshop, consult the workshop website at
Workshop Chair
Soraya M. Kouadri
Communication and Systems Department
Faculty of Mathematics, Computing and Technology
The Open University, Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 19 08 65 93 37
Workshop Program Committee (To be completed)
M. Sheng, CSIRO, Australia
B. König-Ries, TU München, Germany
P. Mihailescu, British Telecommunications plc, UK
S. Dustdar, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
P. Bellavista, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy
M. Berger, Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany
G. Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Computing Laboratory, Oxford University, UK
M. Younas, Computing Department, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Y. Atif, School of Information Technology, UAE University, UAE
M. Sabah, Computer Science Department, Lakehead University, Canada
J. Berri, Computer Engieering Department, Etisalat University College, UAE
Mona Laroussi, University of Lille, France
Mourad Ouzzani, Purdue University, USA
Brahim Medjahed, University of Michigan, Dearborn, USA
Lim Cher Ping, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Jinan Fiaidhi, Computer Science Department, Lakehead University, Canada
Maiga Chang, National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning, Taiwan
Masanori Sugimoto, Tokyo University, Japan
E. Aimeur, Computer Science Department, University of Montreal, Canada
Mikko Nikkanen, Nokia Corporation, Finland
Rachid Hamadi, The University of New South Wales, Australia
Sean Siqueira, Federal University of Goias, Brazil
Woochun Jun, Seoul National University of Education, Korea
Khaled Shaalan , British University in Dubai, UAE
Patrik Floréen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Herma van Kranenburg, Telematica Instituut, Netherlands
Klaus David, University of Kassel, Germany
R. Benlamri, Lakehead University, Canada
S. Kouadri Mostéfaoui, The Open University, UK
The workshop papers will be indexed in many databases including IEEE Xplore, DBLP, EI and so on.
Post-Workshop Publication
Modified versions of the selected papers of the workshop will be considered for publication in the following reviewed journals.
1.Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
2 International Journal of Web Applications (IJWA)
3.International Journal of Information Studies (IJIS)
Previous Workshops
The workshop Chair have organized many International Workshops in the field of Context Modeling and Management and Ubiquitous Computing (see attached CVs). She
has also organized the same workshop in the last three ICDIM conferences. For instance, & published and eight authors attended the
Workshop, and in ICDIM’08 9 papers were accepted & published and all authors