The Roadmap to the Ecosystem of Electronic Health Records
ICDIM 2010 Tutorial Proposal
Key Presenter: Dr. Sabah Mohammed
Other Presenters:
Dr. Jinan Fiaidhi
Dave Thomas
Jeff Santarossa
Daniel Servo
Clinical reporting in primary care settings is predominantly paper driven. Meanwhile, hospitals and acute care settings are working with a combined paper and electronic system. Canada Health Infoway has created an Electronic Health Record (EHR) blueprint architecture as the infostructure foundation to guide Canada’s eHealth agenda. It is no longer a question of whether electronic health records will be implemented for all patients in Canada. Rather, it is a question of when and how, to what level of detail and how to access the information? This tutorial provides an in-depth review of the EHR ecosystem, providing details across several facets including, a current status of clinical reporting systems, the elements of the electronic health record, an international perspective, an overview of vendors and offerings, as well as an overview to the Lakehead’s group research on EHRs.
Introduction to Electronic Records in Healthcare
- Current Status of Clinical Reporting Systems
- What are the Issues?
- What are the Barriers?
Overview of Electronic Records
- iEHR and Active EHR Systems
- Key Elements of the Systems
- Electronic Health Record Adoption around the Globe
Overview of Vendors and Offerings
- Enterprise Solution Vendors
- EMR & EPR Vendors
- Market Leaders
- Progress to Date
LU Experimentations on EHRs
- Sharing EHRs within the physician’s personal learning environments
- Sharing EHRs on the Cloud