Call for Workshop Papers
Seventh Workshop on "Advanced Techniques on Data Analytics and Data Visualization"
In Conjunction with the Thirteenth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM 2018)
Berlin, Germany
September 24-26, 2018
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Technology Management Council
Accepted workshop papers will be published in the proceedings indexed by IEEE Xplore.
About the Workshop
Data are growing at an exponential rate nowadays. In order to take advantage of them, it is important for businesses and organizations to be able to make sense out of them by determining the trends, patterns and underlying insights of the gathered data. Hence problems can be detected early before they result in actual damage. Some examples of data analytics cover tasks of finding suspicious records in accounts payable, evaluating activities of business processes, modeling customers’ behavioral patterns and deriving the best strategies in business decision etc. Such complex tasks go beyond simple statistics.
Advanced tools such as data mining, data modeling, data visualization, and information analysis etc. have been extensively researched recently. The objective of this workshop is to provide an interactive platform for academic researchers and industrial practitioners to exchange ideas, disseminate the latest development in data analytics and data visualization. Conceptual models, tools, and current issues are encouraged to be discussed. The workshop welcomes paper submission
includes but not limited to the following areas:
Data retrieval and management
Innovative methods for understanding and interacting with data
Innovative methods for data analysis, presentation and visualization
Innovative methods for solving current data problems
New statistics techniques for improving current solutions
Advanced software system and algorithms for data visualization
Domain specific data analytics and data visualization
Social network analytics and visualization
Forensic analytics and visualization
Business process analytics and visualization
Industry solutions and/or experiences
Case studies
Submissions should provide original and unpublished research results or ongoing research with simulations. The papers should be between 6 to 8 pages total in length in the IEEE format.
* All the accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by IEEE and fully indexed by IEEE Xplore.
All the ICDIM papers are indexed by DBLP (
* Modified version of the selected papers will appear in the special issues of the following peer reviewed and indexed journals.
(Indexed in Scopus, Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports, dblp, Engineering Index and many other databases)
Important Dates
Full Paper Submission: July 15, 2018
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August -08, 2018
Registration Due: September -10, 2018
Camera Ready Due: September -10, 2018
Workshops/Tutorials/Demos: September 09, 2018
Main conference: September 24-26, 2018
Simon Fong, Robert P. Biuk-Aghai, SI Yain Whar, Lawrence, University of Macau
For additional inquiries, please contact the organizers - ccfong at
Submissions at