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Dr. Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko

Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science
Department of Computer Science
Opole University, Poland

photo of Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko


Modeling swarm intelligent systems has attracted attention of researchers over the last decade, as the attributes such as self-organization,  self-regulation or collective behavior exhibited by the system entities while following a certain set of rules, can be implemented with the aim at investigating complexity of the problems that an individual would be unable to tackle in real world. Specifically, in the dynamically changing system environment, the process of group self-organization should gain the speed proportional to the precipitated new circumstances such as for instance a rapid danger of an attack. Mutually mirrored behaviors by the entities lead to making the new group decisions based on the experience gained from the past analogical or at least similar scenarios to the present one.  By using such a strategy, the swarm - intelligent system undergoes self-regulation thorough the automatic feedback, which results in getting to the state of the plausible equilibrium by the model.

In medical informatics, the entities are represented by the patients, nurses, healthcare professionals, all of them forming the system classes of objects whose behavior follows the same rules. For  the identified unique nosological entities,  the same medical procedures apply, while the swarm intelligent system classes follow the same rules under the same circumstances creating the system environment – these arguments facilitate modeling of intelligent medical systems. Undoubtedly,  no human can live without a healthcare which is at least one of the most significant arguments for modeling swarm - intelligent systems by implementing the behavioral mirroring and self – regulation as their attributes.

In this keynote speech, meta-heuristics and paradigms of modeling swarm-intelligent systems will be discussed with respect to their application areas for medical purposes.


Dr. Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko holds a position of an Assistant Professor (Adjunct Professor in Polish academic rank system) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Opole University. Her research interests are mainly focused on information technologies, medical informatics, transligual engineering, eHealth and mhealth systems, Web mining, computational linguistics, natural language processing, multilingual search systems, parallel languages, bi-text processing, bilingual question-answering systems, and multilingual digital libraries.

She authored and coauthored more than 65 peer-reviewed publications, including reviews for ACM Computing reviews, USA as Featured Reviewer, edited 3 monographs, and she reviews articles for dozens of ISI journals and numerous high profile conferences. Dr. Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko has chaired and co-chaired dozens of international conferences, and was invited to serve on technical program committee of very many conferences all over the world. She invented a language and system-independent asymmetric translation technology called “An Approach to Analysis of Machine Translation Precision by Using Language Pair Phenomena” (invention number P387576, registered and published by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland). She is General Chair and Co-Founder of a  conference series on Real-Time Intelligent Systems, the first edition was held in Beijing, China Sep 1-3, 2016. In 2010 she is a recipient of BEST TUTORIAL AWARD – Language Parallels aimed at Construction of a Query Profile, IEEE International Conference on Information Society 2010, London. Other tutorial were presented at the conferences in Helsinki and Cyprus. She gave also keynote lectures in IEEE Irish Computer Society in Dublin, Ireland and Bedfordshire University in London-Luton. In 2008 she was invited to Ionio University in Corfu where she was honored to give a lecture to the audience of all the university faculties. She is an Expert for the National Commission of the European Union Research Programs H2020-ICT-2016-2017 (Topic ID: ICT-22-2016 Technologies for Learning and Skills).; an Expert in R&D projects for the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, National Center of R&D, Polish Agency of R&D; and an Evaluator of English course books for the Ministry of Education. Also, as an Advisor for the ministerial Center of Polish Education Development Abroad, she is responsible for teaching quality standards in Polish schools all over the world. In addition, she evaluates IT software for British Computer Society. She is a fellow of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries; Information Retrieval Facilities (Vienna, Austria); and British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group (London, UK). Her projects have received recognition from the university, the European Union, and scientific institutions abroad. She teaches Programming Languages, Computer Game Design, Decision Support Systems, Web Information Retrieval Systems, Modeling and Analysis of Computer Systems and coordinates research projects with her students. Dr Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko serves on Editorial Advisory Board of Recent Patterns on Computer Science journal published by Bentham Science Publishers. 

Kazutoshi SUMIYA, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Social Informatics
Director, Research Center for Social Informatics
Kwansei Gakuin University

photo of Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko

Title: Less-Conscious Information Retrieval Techniques for Location Based Services


We have developed methods which can deal with the users' interaction without conventional conscious searching. When a user generally performs map operations with certain information retrieval intentions (less-conscious), a system using our method can detect the specific operation sequences. For example, if the user performs zooming-in and centering operations, the user is narrowing down the search area to a certain location. We define such operation sequences as chunks. The system detects the chunks and uses them to analyze the user's operations and thereby detect the user's intentions. We have developed several prototype systems based on the proposed methods.


Kazutoshi Sumiya received his BE and ME degrees in instrumentation engineering from Kobe University in 1986 and 1988, respectively. Then he joined Panasonic (Matsushita Electric Industrial Co). He received his Ph.D in Information media from Kobe University in 1998. He left the company and became a lecturer at Kobe University in 1999, and then was promoted to an associate professor in 2000. He became an associate professor in 2001 at Kyoto University, a professor at the University of Hyogo in 2004 and a professor at Kwansei Gakuin University in 2015. He developed information dissemination systems and fusion technique for broadcast media and network media. He is developing next-generation information techniques. He was a chair of Database System special interest group (DBS) in the Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) and a co-editor of IPSJ Transaction on Database. He is a director of IPSJ.

Michael W. Condry, PhD
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society AdCom
IEEE Industry Summit Series Chair


photo of Jolanta Mizera-Pietraszko

Title: Advancing in Technical Leadership

Today’s technology companies require leadership with both the technical and management aspects of engineering. Technical leadersare needed with many functions within a company environment and they are critical to company growth and to making management decisions leading to success. This discussion examines a typical path to leadership roles in companies, criteria and recommendations to move up the ladder. We then examines some case studies where expanding technical leadership beyond the traditional research and architecture teams has had a major impact on company success.


Michael was the Chief Technical Officer for Intel Corporation, Global Ecosystem Division. His career has a mixture of academic and industry positions, mostly in industry. Holding teaching and research positions at Princeton and University of Illinois. His industry roles included AT&T Bell-Labs, Sun Microsystems, and Intel. Michael’sCTO roledrove on customer innovation, design cost reduction, and other technologies and leading technical staff development.   His background includes projects in computer architecture, software, firmware, operating systems, networking, internet applications, standards, and computer security.  Michael retired from Intel in 2015.

Michael the president of the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society and he is a senior board member for the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, he created and chairs the IEEE Industry Forum series that has successfully engaged industry in IES conferences for over 10 years.

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